Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSUPER OVERSIZED SHIRT FLARED MINI DRESS - Abito a camicia - blackCHF 235.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSLEEVELESS PICKLEBALL MINI DRESS - Tubino - neon greenCHF 168.00 CHF 210.00
DesignerNovitàheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSHOULDER PAD LONG SLEEVE CREW - Maglietta a manica lunga - blackCHF 200.00
DesignerNovitàheart_outlinedNorma KamaliDOLMAN WRAP MINI DRESS - Vestito di maglina - blackCHF 260.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSLEEVELESS PICKLEBALL MINI DRESS - Vestito di maglina - blackCHF 160.00 CHF 200.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSINGLE BREASTED BOY FIT RIDING JACKET - Cappotto corto - true navyCHF 370.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliOFF SHOULDER FISHTAIL DRESS - Vestito di maglina - blackCHF 288.00 CHF 360.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSUPER FLARED MINI DRESS - Abito a camicia - cheetah patchCHF 250.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliBOYFRIEND LONG SLEEVE HOODED MINI DRESS - Vestito elegante - snow whiteCHF 530.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliV NECK SHIRRED WAIST SHOULDER PADS - Tuta jumpsuit - blackCHF 285.00
DesignerNovitàheart_outlinedNorma KamaliOVERSIZED MOTO JACKET - Giacca in similpelle - blackCHF 385.00
DesignerNovitàheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSHOULDER PAD LONG SLEEVE CREW - Maglietta a manica lunga - gold-colouredCHF 200.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSTRAPLESS DIANA DRESS TO KNEE - Vestito elegante - true navyCHF 335.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSTRAPLESS SHIRRED FRONT DRESS TO KNEE - Vestito elegante - blackCHF 265.00
DesignerNovitàheart_outlinedNorma KamaliV NECK SHIRRED WAIST DRESS TO KNEE - Vestito di maglina - blackCHF 265.00
Designerheart_outlinedNorma KamaliDOUBLE BREASTED TRENCH STRAIGHT LEG - Tuta jumpsuit - blackCHF 425.00
DesignerNovitàheart_outlinedNorma KamaliSHIRRED WAIST DRESS TO KNEE - Abito da sera - true navyCHF 265.00